Music should:-
1. Bring glory to God and assist us in acceptability in worshipping Him - 1 Cor 10:31.
2. Ennoble, uplift, and purify the Christian’s thoughts - Phil 4:8, PP p 594.
3. Effectively influence the Christian in the development of Christ’s character in his life and
in the life of others. (Manuscript 57, 1906).
4. Have a text which is in harmony with the scriptural teachings of the Church. (R&H, June
6, 1912).
5. Reveal compatibility between the message conveyed by the words and the music,
avoiding a mixture of the sacred and the profane.
6. Shun theatricality and prideful display. (Evangelism, pg. 137, R&H Nov, 1900).
7. Give precedence to the message of the text which should not be overpowered by
accompanying musical elements. (Gospel Workers pg. 357-358).
8. Maintain judicious balance of the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual elements. (R&H
Nov 14, 1899).
9. Never compromise high principles of dignity and excellence in efforts to reach people
just where they are. (Testimonies for the Church, Vol 9, pg. 143, Evangelism, pg. 137).
10. Be appropriate for the occasion, the setting, and the audience for which it is intended.
(Evangelism, pg.507-508).